Monday, April 13, 2009

Unsolved Mysteries.

Not the TV show. Today, as inspired by one of my best buds, Janey, I am making a list of things that I don't understand... and probably never will.

1. Today I sat next to one of the smelliest smelly kids in class. I want to know how one can become that smelly, and how that person doesn't notice their smellyness while everyone around them is gagging. How many showers do you have to skip and how many marathons do you have to run to accumulate that horrible stench?

2. Why does my roommate push a thousand buttons while heating up her frozen chicken nuggets? Shouldn't she only push 5? Every time I hear her make something, I hear enough buttons to microwave something for 200,000 minutes.

3. Is there a polite way to find out if someone is a guy or a girl? This question is inspired by a week at art school where I run into this problem a lot more than I thought possible.

4. On the same note, why are people who are already sort of gender ambiguous choose to wear gender ambiguous clothing?

5. Is there another dimension for things that you drop but never hit the floor and you can never find again? I've had a lot of things I've dropped and never heard them hit the floor... but yet I can't find them anywhere. 

6. Blue Raspberry. 

7. Why put laugh tracks on TV shows? Ever. If the viewers need to be told when to laugh, the show isn't that funny and probably shouldn't be on TV.  


9. Why is breakfast for dinner so good? And if everyone eats breakfast for dinner then why keep calling it breakfast? 

10. Why are peeps not as tasty as they are cute? And why does EVERYONE know that but yet continue to eat them every year, only to regret the marshmallow crunchiness that results?

Think on these things. 

And comment.


  1. #6 and #8 need no further explanation. And thank you for #9, I usually bitch about that one, I'm surprised I didn't think of that one. Haha :)

  2. #3, I usually ask how to spell their name but with my luck it either ends up being Alex or Aaron/Erin...

  3. Peeps are tasty thank you very much.
